Field recording on the Fleurieu Peninsula since January 2011

This map documents where I’ve made field recording for the Fleurieu Sound Map and upcoming work for Southern Encounter in October 2012.


Pink – industrial/man made/town centres, etc.

Yellow – on land: relatively barren, dry, open landscape (paddocks, sand dunes, etc.)

Green – on land: relatively lush, dense landscape (plentiful vegetation, forests, etc.)

Light Blue – on water (or near water).

Light Blue (pinned) – on water or near water within a resonant space. (i.e. Rapid Bay cave)

Dark Blue – water or sub strait based recording made with hydrophone/geophone.

One response to “Field recording on the Fleurieu Peninsula since January 2011”

  1. At risk of contradicting my own mapping key, the Cox Scrub pins should really be green…

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